Preemie Hats and Blankets

For a huge selection of patterns go here. And for more information on the web, go here. Most of these links are also in the blogroll on your right —->
This is the basic preemie hat pattern I start off with for double-pointed needles. Knitting hats in the round is easier since you don’t have to sew up the ends and is better for preemies because of their delicate skin. The less seams, the better.

Preemie Hat Pattern
  • For this pattern I like to use size 5, 6, or 7 US size needles (double pointed or straight).
  • Cast on a multiple of 6 stiches (ie: 54, 60, 66… you get the idea). You can cast on as few as 42 since some preemies are pretty tiny.
  • Distribute the stitches evenly over 4 double pointed needles (they usually come as a set of 5).
  • K = knit, P = purl, K2 tog = knit two stitches together
  • stockinette stitch – knit continuously in the round, when using straight needles: knit a row, purl a row
  • Working in the round knit 2, purl 2 (K2P2) for 2 inches (you can make this shorter if you cast on very few stitches, I usually eyeball it – its the hat border)
  • Then stockinette stitch (or work in pattern of your choice) for 2.5 inches – again eyeball for length, their heads are longer than we usually think, though.
  • Decrease:
    • Round 1: *K 4, K2 tog, rep from * to end (if you cast on 72 stitches, you would now have 60 sts)
    • Round 2: Knit
    • Round 3: *K 3, K2 tog, rep from * to end (if you cast on 72 stitches, you would now have 48 sts)
    • Round 4: Knit
    • Round 5: *K 2, K2 tog, rep from * to end (if you cast on 72 stitches, you would now have 36 sts)
    • Round 6: Knit
    • Round 7: *K 1, K2 tog, rep from * to end (if you cast on 72 stitches, you would now have 24 sts)
    • Round 8: Knit
    • Round 9: *K2 tog, rep from * to end (if you cast on 72 stitches, you would now have 12 sts
  • Break yarn, thread into tapestry needle and weave through remaining sts and draw together snuggly.


The hats should be made out of some very soft, non allergenic yarn preferably acrylic. For a list of suggested yarn go here.


Finished hats can be washed in mild detergent such as Dreft (but check this with your local NICU since some have different requirements).

Make sure there are no snags in the hats as some older babies in the NICU can put things in their mouth and may not always be watched. Do not make any hats with pompoms for the same reason.

Let me know if you have any other questions through comments or email us at weknitbcswecare (at) gmail (dot) com

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